Wednesday, December 29, 2010

christmas goodies!

so i'm lame. the only thing i took a picture of was the bag.  the rest i have pictures of, however, some of them are not the actual gifts given so forgive me. i'm exhausted. 

first off, the bag.  or the provence summer string bag, if you will.  i fell in love with this the second i found it.  yet, i found it after i had started other gifts for people. those projects were quickly scrapped as i worked on 4 of these babies: 

isn't that lovely?  i made this green one, a red one, a blue one, and a purple one. it was a labor of love really. soooooo i have to make one for me!!!  

headwraps for the nieces.  green for kassy, turquoise for kaitlyn, blue for kailee, and orange for ellie.  

and for my most favorite cousins, bath sets that included a face scrubbie and a bath poofie.  these may look small, but i must say that the poofie takes more time than it looks like it should. 

now what i don't have pictures of are the beanies that i made for my nephews.  red/black/and white for sack, black/white for caleb, and hot pink for josh. yes, he requested hot pink.  in fact, all the nieces and nephews got to choose the color of their gift.  i must admit, the hot pink hat was my personal favorite. it turned out awesome. i'll have to get a picture as soon as i can. 

my very favorite gift though, was for my dear brother in law.  it wasn't even crocheted, but it was awesome. i made him a nice picture frame. with a picture of me in it.  i just wanted to make sure he remembers how much he loves me. :)

in fact, is has THIS picture in it: 

now he'll never forget how awesome i am. never never never. 

holy crap i'm so tired!  now what to make next? i have a couple gifts left to finish and mail, but then i'm DONE!

a snuggie? pillows with swear words?  a new lampshade? move onto valentine's day? 

1 comment:

steph k said...

