Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What's up next?

Can you believe that I am actually having a difficult time finding a pattern for a toilet seat cover? It's true. Even the super cool ones with embroidered flowers and fringe....they may be a thing of the past. Why am I looking for this pattern you ask? YOU JUST WAIT!

I just finished my first kickassghan. It's white and pretty and has picot stitches around the edge. The idea was to add some texture at the bottom of my bed. We'll see how it looks. I still need to actually make my bed in order to take a picture.
So what NOW?? What project should I do next? Half the fun of this is looking for the pattern. Now we've found so many I don't know where to start. I should probably consult the list below.

I’m a lazy crocheter (is that a word?). Shannon can change colors, sew things together and all kinds of crazy stuff without wanting to run over her project with her car. I’m not like that. To change a color, I have to be committed.

I'm thinking the best place to start would be with little things. Flowers? Embellishments?? AHH! I'm so excited! And I really need to finish a pillow that I started last year…that was to go with a duvet cover that I no longer own…but that's beside the point.


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