Sunday, January 16, 2011

the power of crochet night...

inevitably during the day, i find myself emailing shannon to tell her how irritated, pissed off, and tired i am only to find that she is feeling the exact same way.
i'm not generally pissed off about one thing, it's often a lot of little things that ultimately add up to one big giant pile of crap that i can't do anything about. except for adjust my attitude.  which will come later, after the complaining.
this past thursday happened to be one of those days.
enter email. and shannon. who, can i just say, is probably one of the top 5 funniest people i know.  also, one of the most thoughtful. and if i had to pick my top 5 favorite characteristic traits, thoughtful would be right on up there.
january 13 started out as an 'irritable' day for kami. personally, i'm a little concerned about some things that are going on in my family, i'm disappointed in some people's decision making skills, and tired of everyone in the world being selfish a-holes all the time.
and then, she had a brilliant idea. i think she said something like this:  I'm about ready to give up on people.  i think i'm going to forget about regular projects and do something for a baby.
DING!  a few weeks earlier, a friend had mentioned that local hospitals were always in need of crocheted items for the little ones.
i'm not gonna lie. i started to cry a little bit. because in that one second, i found myself pulled out of all my negative ickiness, and into profound sense of excitement and gratitude that there is something that i can do to to contribute.i think it worked for her too, because before i knew it, we had a million patterns to look at and had decided what we were going to do. crochet night couldn't have come fast enough.
flash forward to crochet night (which, really is what i look forward too most during the week) where we made tiny hats and booties. they are the cutest things i've ever seen. 

sadly, i'd lost my 'crochet hat mojo' took me several tries to get something that a baby could use.  i ended up with a 6-month old baby hat and a hat so tiny that i don't know if it would fit anything other than a barbie.  shannon assured me that there are babies of all sizes.  phew!  

fast forward to today, sunday. and i'm sick.  i'm one sick girl.  i'm also mad about this because it's over my three day weekend and i have barely been able to walk to and from the kitchen to the bathroom and back to my bed.  i turned on the tv and they were talking about the tucson shooting again. so i started crying.  again. and then decided to make baby stuffs.  again.  worked like a charm. 

i think i have it back now and today have crocheted the cutest damn hat i've ever seen.  check it yo's: 

i put it on my computer so you could see how small it is. i used extra soft cream and brown yarn. the little ones want to be stylin' too.  that's a little flower. one day, i need to actually learn to take a good picture. 

and here it is on my diet coke can so you can get an idea of it's size. forgive the mess in the back. i'm sick.  although, i'm not kidding anyone.  even  if i was feeling great my coffee table would still look just like this...
i don't have a specific pattern i use.  with me, my hats always come out different and when i try to follow a pattern, they go all wonky. so this is a few patterns put together. just a circle and then rows.  with a flower for adorableness.  easy peasy and cute taboot!

Update from Shannon: Of course I took it upon myself to link this guy up (and I'm sure I'll link some more later) It's too cute not to share!


Unknown said...

You do realize you're brilliant right? This hat is so adorable and you should totally write down what you did. You pattern maker upper you!

kamcicle said...

i always forget to link myself! i'm off to make some hats for the little dudes...

i'll think about writing down the pattern. next on my list is to figure out a bootie that i love as well. so much to do. so much to do.

stewbert said...

Write down the pattern and list it for sale on Ravelry. THat is so adorable!