Tuesday, November 30, 2010

runnin' low on the dude ideas....

mans, it's so much fun to make stuff for girls. frilly, lacy, and fun.

and then there's the dudes. what do you crochet for a dude? besides a blanket, beanie, and/or a scarf?

on my quest to find dude gifts, i've come across several that i think are so awesome that i just had to share.

exhibit a: the poncho. or "mancho" as i like to call it....

doesn't he look so excited to be wearing his homemade gift? he's brooding and handsome. 
dapper, if you will. 

jeesh, this dude has got it all. long scarf (that doesn't look the least bit girly, if you ask me), chick on his arm.  he's livin' the dream is what he's doin'.

exhibit c:  the dude sweater.

i can't speak for anyone else,  but i know that when i receive homemade clothing, i LOVE it when it looks homemade.  just sayin'. 

exhibit d:  (these are my personal favorites) oxford slippers. 
you know what would be rad? if i crocheted a matching smoking jacket.  i'm kind of not kidding.  and then i'll give it wrapped up so pretty to a dude in my life and pretend like i'm serious:

"what? you don't like it? i worked really hard on that."

and just for fun.....

doesn't get much better than this folks. 

i kid, i kid.

i know that each of these projects took a lot of thought and effort. but the whole point of this is to make something that is not lame.

i want something awesome.  i want something snappy (if you know that movie reference, then you too are awesome). 

help me crochet nerds!


steph k said...

my un-patented ski-bum beanies! :D

kamcicle said...

ooooh, send me the deets man!

steph k said...

K. I'll figure them out and send them over. Don't let me forget!