Friday, October 15, 2010

scrubbies and poofies and something else, oh my!

ahhh, 2 posts in one day!!!

so, i'll be honest. it's friday night. i'm at home crocheting with my cat. but i have a good excuse. i'm in the midst of a headache hangover, one i'm hoping is gong by tomorrow because i am helping with my sister's yard sale. how many alka seltzers does it take to feel better? because the 4 i've had in the last 8 hours just aren't working. boo.

oh well. guess i better make something. and after a 4 hour nap this afternoon, i'm not going back to bed any time soon.

i decided to finish the bath poofies and face scrubbies.

the face scrubbie. these are AWESOME. if i don't say so myself. and not just because i made them, but because they make your skin feel very nice. you should give them a shot.

here's the front of a bath poofie. every time i say poofie, it makes me smile. anyways, this is a one sided poofie, with a face scrubbie sewn onto the back of it. you have the best of both worlds!!! yeah, i know, i'm pretty smart.

here's a side view of the the full poofie. it's two of the flowers sewn together, with a strap attached.