Monday, October 11, 2010

warm yarny goodness

to warm your hearts, and in honor of breast cancer awareness month, behold the pink awareness ribbon magnets! my. camera. sucks. i know i tell you that every time, but it really does and it is NOT doin' me proud. these are actually pink. i promise.

and now to warm your heads! on to the headwraps. last year, when these started popping up everywhere, i could NOT figure out where they were coming from. not to mention, that most of the ones i found were knitted and cost over $20. so i set out to make my own. looking at the basic shape, i came up with a crochet version that's super quick and easy. i need to write it out. for now, it's in my head. *taps temples* i'm sure you can find different versions online, and i looked at those, but i was going for a specific shape. i think they turned out pretty darn neato.

they attach around the head with a button and a button hole conveniently cool-cheted into the band itself. it's okay, you can sit back and marvel. or not. do whatever you want, that's my motto.

i'm off to make some out of cotton, with different embellishments, namely buttons. i'm obsessed with buttons lately. must be in the air...

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I have to agree that they are adorable. This Kami girl is a crocheting machine. . . . . Just saying.